They began to feed through the shallow water and I could actually get fairly close as the chain link fence gave the bird a sense of security. Such beautiful birds up close with that red eye. You can even see some of the blues in the back feathers when the light hits it right.
They foraged a bit before heading back to the larger pond.
Next, back to Lake Lancaster. There were not of bird visible right away but I thought I would get a shot of one of the Mallard families resting on the shore.
As I was doing so, something streaked past me just below my eye level. A pair of swallow-like birds, moving so fast I could not make them out for long. I tired for some shots and realized that the Purple Martins were finally returning!
Little flying rockets, they are. Zipping past at tremendous speeds while gathering up insects back and forth but getting one in focus is a trial in patience.
At least I got a couple shots that are good enough for ID. A few homeowners on the lake have Martin houses up so hopefully I can get some better ones in the future.
Then it was time to check on the Solitary Sandpiper again. Still there and, this time, the lighting was a bit more kind.
Such a cute little thing. Maybe it will bring some other friends soon.
For now, back home for chores and to check on the owls.
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