Right after that I headed toward the amphitheater and the creek but I was already getting the feeling that this would be a sparse birding experience. Nothing in the trees but Parulas and only and Egret and a Great-blue Heron in the creek. Cardinals called. A few Chimney Swifts, but nothing else stirring.
Over one the boardwalk a Cat Bird and more Parulas until a Swainson's Thrush jumped out of the wetland and watched me from the rails.
A Blackpoll Warbler zoomed out from the willows and back again for a brief view and I scared up some Blue Grosbeaks but there were no other birds until a Red-bellied Woodpecker can out for a grocery run. Ya take what ya can get.
I ran into a couple other birding friends but they weren't seeing too much on the other side of the garden, either. I decided to head to the nearby Leu Gardens to try my luck there. Again, too quiet. Some Northern Waterthrushes skittered through the underbrush along the stream and a few birds were out around the lake. The Osprey caught my eye before I headed deeper into the gardens.
I spent another 30 minutes or so at Leu but, honestly, I may have taken 3 other photos and those were landscape. Sigh. So much for my day off finding birds. There was more activity at the house before I left. In fact, when I got back home I looked out back and saw a Rose-breasted Grosbeak on the back feeder. The only shot I could get was a blurry shot as she got scared of me stepping outside.
Like I say, birds go where they wanna go. Today it was far from where I was. Think I need to head back to the lakes soon.
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