Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Wait! There are TWO Owlets in There!!

The Barred Owls have been getting more and more vocal lately. I saw one baby owl in the nest the other day. While I was waiting for my son to meet me at the car I walked over to check the nest again just before dawn. Even in the dark I could make out two white shapes in the nest. Once I got home I headed back and got a shot before the rain arrived. We do have two owlets in there.

I'm calling the big one Herschel...

Barred Owl

I took a bunch of shots to get at least one descent one then began looking around for any of the adults. Didn't have to look long. Momma was sitting silently almost directly overhead. She lazily glanced at me and then back out into the distance.

Barred Owl

I will have to wait and see if both owls make it. One is clearly larger than the other. There were two last year but I could only confirm one survivor that stayed in the yard for months. The other could have followed Dad out to another location but I will never know. Fingers crossed.

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