The Least Terns were coming in and using the water to cool their bellies. I saw this last year a few times. They come through in pairs or a dozen and, one by one, they quickly splashdown and rise again.
Then they turn and head back to the south side of the pond and wheel back to do it again. They are definitely not feeding during these activities.
Just like living skipping stones the Terns throw themselves along the surface of the water.
Occasionally, one of the birds will do more of a cannonball and take an extra second to get air-bound again.
Once their bellies are soaked with water, the Least Terns make a quick retreat to the building I am sure they are nesting on.
My theory is that since the roof is so hot, they come down to cool off and to cool down the eggs or chicks sitting on the bright rooftop. I just need to find a way to get them to let me have a look to verify it for good. Hmmmmm.
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