Friday, October 05, 2012

Chimney Swift Party

During my nightly round of the neighborhood I stopped by the church to count ducks. Instead, I was distracted by another species of birds. Chimney Swifts were massing overhead and calling. Always tough to get a clear shot of these birds but I singled one out as dusk was closing in.

Chimney Swift

While I was tracking the birds I couldn't help but notice the nice cloud formations off to the East. I waited a few moments to let the plane move into a spot for scale.


The view to the south revealed pileus cloud caps being formed and destroyed by the towering clouds below.


Oh, yeah. Swifts! So, I had to move out into the parking lot to get a full view of the swifts circling and calling. I took a few frames trying to get as many birds as I could in the shot. I counted later and, like this shot, the highest number I could get in the frame was 45 birds. There were many more with them.

Chimney Swift

Most Chimney Swifts have already migrated out of Central Florida and headed to the south. All I can figure is that this is a large migrating flock gathering together for a joint journey. Fly well, little Swifts!

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