I have been staring at my computer at work pretty intently for the past few days. The humidity is really down a bit and my legs could use a stretch. Time to reinstate the lunchtime walk over to the trees.
The fresh air was nice but there weren't a lot of birds around here at midday. I searched the wooded edges of the buildings and heard Mockingbirds and Cardinals but not much else. Finally, I did have a nice surprise when a female Common Yellowthroat hopped up out of the palmettos and onto a branch right in front of me.
Pretty little thing. I used to see Common Yellowthroats all over Central Florida nearly year round. Now it seems that they are in decline as it usually takes migration to bring any of these small warblers into view.
However, I have seen several in this little patch of woods and suspect they might be living here. That would be nice. But kind of weird as you usually find them closer to water and this spot is landlocked. The closest water in half a mile away. In all directions.
So, I will keep an eye out as we move along. Maybe I can find signs of breeding next Spring. Thanks for the photos, Ms. Yellowthroat!
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