On the way out of the house I encountered the Titmice as they hit the feeders. This family lives in our yard a lot and I got photos and posted about the babies when they first arrived. They show little fear. Seems like they know me, even this younger bird hanging out at the peanut station.
I soon settled into my chair and watched. The younger Northern Parulas are having fun chasing the young Cardinals all over the yard. So many baby Cardinals this year. One of my favorite shots was of one of the adult Parula searching in the shade.
Even now and then, the baby Blue Jays would venture in to grab a shelled peanut.
Round and round they flew and ate and flew. It is always fun when they perch right next to me to see what I am up to. Usually so close I can't get a shot with the zoom, but sometimes...
Joining in on the feeding was a male Downy Woodpecker. He was circling the tree trunks so I had to wait for him to find a branch facing me for better views.
A Red-bellied Woodpecker flew in but too close for a focused shot. I was hoping the Parulas would settle down for me but they were zipping by like crazy. Finally, something slowed one of the younger birds down.
I still haven't ID'd the species of spider. I don't recognize them when I am out in the yard. I don't think the warbler really cares as it gulps it down. Protein. Yum.
I rigged the hose to drip out into the cement bird bath to create some inviting splashes. However, the Cardinals and Titmice preferred to sit on the faucet handle and sip from the leaking bits.
Speaking of Cardinals, I managed to capture them on the other bird bath as one of the first brood birds flew in (on left) to join the latest brood birds. You can tell the older bird by the more orange bill but it still shows black streaks so it is not yet an adult. When Northern Cardinals are first fledged they have black bills.
As I was trying for those Cardinal shots, I noticed a flicker of movement closer to my seat. I refocused my eyes and was totally surprised. A Black and White Warbler had dropped down to attend the party! It had its back to me and I feared I would be left with some boring pictures. Then I had one last chance before it flew off.
Yes! A great way to end this photo session. Just proves that you don't always have to make a trip to find some good birding. Birds are all around. You just need to look.