Monday, February 13, 2012

Another check on the Barred Owl

Now that I know the Barred Owl is liking that dead tree for a nest, I returned to try and see if was home today. The oaks that tower over our houses still do not afford much light so I didn't have my hopes up for anything better than the previous shots. The first glance doesn't provide much luck and I did not see the owl inside the tree.

Barred Owl

I began scanning the surrounding branches and, to my surprise, the owl was right above me in the oaks!

Barred Owl

I tried to move around for a better shot but she took off toward the tree. She grabbed the side of the tree and peered inside.

Barred Owl

Then, in a flash, she threw herself into the nest. You can just make out the feathers as she turns herself around.

Barred Owl

Moments later and it was too difficult to see inside. I know when the front door is, though. Looks promising for more shots in the future.


Amy said...

Ah, I'm glad to see an update on the Barred Owl, looking forward to more. I read your blog via Google Reader (RSS) and for some reason the posts only come through in bursts. I got your last 4 posts yesterday, all dated yesterday, even though I see on your blog itself they are dated last month. Not sure what's going on but I wanted to explain my rather late comments. :)

J. Andrew Boyle said...

Hey, Amy.

You found my problem! I have another months worth of posts to get out there and am trying to catch up. Situations keep affording themselves for photos but time has not been so kind on me posting on a timely manner this past month.

I am trying to catch up asap. Work and my other blog take up some extra time.

In fact, if you want more Barred Owl action I encourage you to follow my banding site:

Owls are all over right now and we caught one a while ago!

Bear with me. I hope to get caught up before I go on another birding trip next week.

Thanks for reading and responding!!