Many folks are distressed at this action but they are now a part of the community.
In the reedy grass nearby, several herons gathered to feed. Snowy Egrets aren't completely rare but rare enough to garner notice from me.
Feet away, a Little-blue Heron picks off small fish in the weeds.
Even more rare than the Snowy Egret was the Glossy Ibis in the group. Glossy Ibis are very common all over the coasts but it is nice to see them here inland. Especially as they near breeding plumage.
Back around Lake Emerald. Another Wood Duck slowed for a shot.
Off to the cemetery for a check on the eagles. Luckily, I got another sighting of the Coyote that lurks near the eagle nest. It was skittish as always but this is the first shot I got with the new lens.
Nothing of much interest at the eagle nest. Just one adult hanging out in the pines.
Tomorrow is another day but this was a nice swing through for a few minutes before chores had to be done. Where are those eaglets?
What is the wing span of the Glossy Ibis? Is this bird also referred to as the Blue Ibis or are they different. Thank you.
About 3 feet. Florida has White and Glossy Ibis. I have never heard of a Blue Ibis. There are Scarlet ones, too.
Above the Ibis in this blog post is a Little Blue Heron.
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