Saturday, January 07, 2012

A Nice Walk Home

Had to take the van in for brakes and the wife had to head to work. The garage bays were so backed up they couldn't even look at it until another 2 hours. It was a nice morning, around 50-ish degrees. I decided to walk 2.5 mile home. I had wanted to stop by a spot, anyway.

Along the way back I found a few Mourning Doves on the fence around the local airport.

Mourning Dove

There wasn't much around the park I checked out. Just some Palm Warblers and Gallinules. There were a couple of Glossy Ibis that flew in which was special but I headed home and decided to check out the wetlands along the way.

The flock of 30 or so Ring-necked Ducks were still there and I was able to get a singled out shot of one of them. Like this one a bunch.

Ring-necked Duck

Right after that shot I headed in the direction of the house and noticed a lot of movement near the larger pond. Seemed a big feeding flock was moving through. Mostly Palm Warblers. Armed with the new lens, I tried for a shot or two. I was not disappointed.

Palm Warbler

Palm Warblers are nearly ever-present during the Winter. They flit back and forth all over the place in most habitats, including urban settings. Funny thing is, most are Western Palm Warblers like this. The Eastern, or Yellow, version is found in much smaller numbers and usually out in fields. I love Palm Warblers.

Palm Warbler

I was happy with that Palm shot so I headed down the sidewalk. Then I saw the Tri-colored Heron lurking in the reeds. Alright.

Tri-colored Heron

Yeah. I am going to enjoy this lens. And more birds along the way.

1 comment:

Nina said...

Great shots, and so cool that you saw so much on the way home. Love the Heron photo. You are super talented Andrew.