Friday, April 09, 2010

Ready for the Bunting This Year

Last year I was crying in my bird seed about not being able to get good shots of the Indigo Bunting. I had to shoot through the kitchen window screen and that side of the house is shaded most of the time. Then I had the big idea. I can move the screen up and out of the way. Duh!

This year I was ready for a photo op in case the bunting showed up again. I got shots of it molting earlier and that process in nearly complete. Voila!

Indigo Bunting

If it would let me, I would watch it all day. Simply a beautiful species.

Indigo Bunting

He won't be here too much longer, however and I will have to find a new fix.

Indigo Bunting

Thanks for the poses, my friend!


me ann my camera said...

Beautiful photos of a beautiful bird. congratulations on getting such beautiful pictures. I was able to get photos of one once. You have a very nice blog. Ann

J. Andrew Boyle said...

Thanks, Ann!

Only took a year of waiting!