Monday, April 12, 2010

More Goldfinch Shots

One of my favorite sights is when birds go on 'predator alert' in the back yard. No matter what is happening or where they are, all of the birds freeze and tilt their heads to the side and focus on the danger above.

The BirdCam caught such a moment at the Goldfinch feeder.

American Goldfinch

Once the hawk moves off, usually with the help of the Blue Jay troop, activities return to normal. Then we can have fun with captions. Like this female who could be asking, "Shouldn't we be packing to leave soon?"

American Goldfinch

"Didn't I tell you to finish changing your outfit!? Your Mom says it is almost time to leave!"

American Goldfinch

"Psssst. Hey, lady. Wanna buy some sunflower seed?"

American Goldfinch

Gonna miss all my Winter birds.


Lois Evensen said...

Lovely images. Thank you for sharing.

Lois in Cincinnati

J. Andrew Boyle said...

More than my pleasure. Love having the Northern birds here even though it is very brief.