Counted the Ruddy Ducks next. Then the Ringed-neck Ducks. Then the...WHAT THE HECK!? A pair of very large birds floating gracefully on the far side of the lake.
Somehow the Mute Swans were back! Yippee!!
I swung around the lake to get a closer look. Someone was parked in an odd spot on the street. I parked behind them. Their car was still running maybe they were watching the swans.
I got out and started taking some shots. Soon, a woman walked down behind me asked if I thought the swans would be safe. I said that I thought so and that I had missed them being here. How long had it been? Three? Four years?
The story was that one of the swans got sick and died so they rounded up the other and had it in rehab. Not according to the woman, who I wish I would have gotten the name of.
She said that they were her swans. Both this pair and the previous one. She was guessing that a dog had gotten the other one and took the other out for safety. She raises them and this pair was being pushed out by the parents. A decision was made to see if they could hang on here again.
She was going to come and check on them everyday. I said I passed the lake every morning and would do the same. I thanked her for bringing swan back to the lake.
Must have been meant to happen, this whole quick series of events. Once I sat down in the car I realized that I had forgotten my wallet. Only had to go back 3 blocks instead of 4 miles.
The swans were having a positive effect already.
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