Thursday, February 09, 2006

Brave Cattle Egret

As we brace for the cold this weekend, (Hey, 30s are COLD for us. Even the upper 30s.) I found the sight on the way to work a bit warming.

A Cattle Egret was flitting about in the intersection to the complex my workplace is in. It decided that a fine place to land and stare around would be in the lefthand turn lane which quickly fills with drivers at anytime of the day or night.

So, there it stood, like a defiant student in front of a giant tank in full view of the world. The signal turned to green and I waited for the movement of the first car to force it aside.

Instead, to my astonishment, the driver turned the wheel and went around the Egret. Then the next car. Then the next. Wow.

Yes, a bit warming. Seeing all of those drivers allow the presence of this bird in this time of wanton environmental paving over.

I even turned off the heater in the car.

Cattle Egret

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