Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sapsucker Feeding Behavior

Finally had a Sapsucker sighting at the house. First ever. Got to work and was told the female made a return here this morning. Wondered where she had been.

Back to the house sighting.

There was a male streaking through the branches and he landed in the neighboring Camphor tree. He made his way up into a high branch and started grabbing berries. I continued to scan for anything else.

The Sapsucker then flew down onto the trunk of a large oak. Figured he was going to start hunting some more. As he turned its head, however, I could see a large Camphor berry in the end of his bill.

Suddenly it wedged the berry in the crevices of the rough bark and began to work on the berry. He squeezed it around, pecked and prodded for a minute and then pulled parts to consume before heading back into the Camphor to grab another berry or two.

Interesting use of the environment while eating, no? Clever birds...

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