I initially decided to stop because I could see a flock of Tree Swallows cruising the water and hoped to get a shot of some. Soon, I discovered they were flying in such erratic arcs and into the shadows that any chance of that was low. As I moved to sit on the culvert to get in position, a White Ibis eyed me nervously but never strayed more than a few feet from me.
Some residents feed the birds every morning so when I sat down other birds moved closer to see if I was offering a meal. The closest birds were the pair of Mute Swans. No sign of their baby. I think he was moved along since he was almost old enough to leave home.
The best shot I could get of a Tree Swallow. I quickly figured taking too many more shots would yield anything better. I didn't mind since I got great shots last year and probably couldn't best them today.
Doesn't matter when I can walk right up to Yellow-rumped Warblers, anyway.
Along the lakeside I noticed a yellow flower standing out from all the brown and greens. I first found one of these years ago and can't recall if I ever ID'd it then. Time for research.
Back near the van, a small flock of Ring-billed Gull loafed just in water. They will head back to the coast once Spring arrives.
Nothing else grabbed my attention on the other lakes so I headed home by way of the usual Greenwood Cemetery route. The Bald Eagle nest is still quiet. I fear there will be no new hatchlings this year. The first time in a decade. Shame.
Still waiting for a chance to find some Cedar Waxwings before they leave next month. I hear them circling and it shouldn't be too long before they swoop down to feast while bulking up for migration.
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