The photo was taken during late September of this year and you can find my original post here and the one they wanted was the American Redstart three shots down from the top.
I figured the next newsletter was their Winter edition and I figured that might mean that is would be out sometime in early 2014. So I was surprised to get some mail today and find the new edition in my hands. Here is the beginning of the article with my photo.
The article discusses new methods they are testing at the Bronx Zoo in New York to reduce window collisions by birds. To make sure the birds do not hit any windows they are testing they set mist nets and band any birds captured. One they caught was a female American Redstart. My shot fit the story perfectly, except for the fact that the bird shown was banded over a 1,000 miles away (by car) from the Bronx Zoo! Can't miss my wedding ring no matter where it is. My wife has great taste.
It was nice to be able to help out Audubon, especially in another state. Who'd have thunk? The Internet makes interesting connections.
You can visit the website for the New York City Audubon here where you can read all about their local activities and make a donation if you would like. You should be able to view the entire newsletter in the archives when it is loaded online at their Our Publications page. I am not sure when it goes up so check back later.
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