I began my walk and made it almost all the way to the cement bridge when I heard a loud chip call above me. A lone American Redstart was foraging through the oak branches. At least I got one migrant for the morning.
I continued down the trail and found a Blue-ringed Dancer near the wooden bridge. Man, that thing needs some work.
I walked all the way down to Penn. Ave. but there was nothing of interest there. I walked back near the boardwalk in search of any more migrants but only found a Katydid braced against the foliage.
I was looking for a Waterthrush but the entry to the boardwalk was quiet. I figured it would be an uneventful walk to the butterfly garden but something caught my eye. A pair of Great-crested Flycatchers were silently foraging in the understory.
They came out for a few seconds but my first shots were taken by dialing in through branches just to get any focus. That orange-rust is so striking.
Great-crested Flycatchers are amazing to watch. I sat with this pair for 20 minutes before letting them forage without me. If I had time I would have stayed there for another hour. It was fun watching them glean insects from spot to spot and then come closer to me like I wasn't there.
But I had to head home. Sigh. Soon, migrants will be flooding in and the Great-crested Flycatchers will head out. They have raised young here, already. Nice to have a quiet session between us before they are gone.
1 comment:
The spores with that orange zig-zag is really interesting. Is that Great Crested Flycatcher a juvenile? It almost looks like a slight gape flange at the bill base. Awesome photos.
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