Today they were a lot more in view which pleased me to no end.
A real surprise was a Swanson's Thrush that popped up as I watched the warblers. I don't usually see then around this time of year.
It hooped around from oak to oak for a few minutes before disappearing.
Another nice surprise was a late juvenile male American Redstart. Really late in the season for them to be heading back North.
Across the lake, the Great Blue Heron rookery was very active with large juveniles still begging for food from the adults.
A male Blackpoll Warbler cruised through the Cypress branches snatching insects.
I finally found a female Blackpoll Warbler in the oaks by the road gobbling down a spider she had just grabbed.
Nice to have a big group of migrants moving North this late in the year before the heat finally sets in.
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