I was heading back to my desk when I start hearing someone calling, "Andrew! Andrew! Andrew!!" from down the hall. Emilie was looking for me to report a Swallow-tailed Kite out over the parking lot. I wandered out with her and the bird was there just along the tree line that decided our office spot from another.

Emile was elated to see this bird right here and was jumping up and down with joy to see a Swallow-tailed Kite so close.

That elation was soon changed as we watched as the Kite swung around and dived an oak. Northern Mockingbirds scattered as the bird dove in and tried to grab chicks from a nest. Emily began to yell, "Nooooo!" Her joy was quickly turning to terror as this raptor tried to find a meal.

The Kite was not successful in grabbing a bird but continued to soar around the area as I got shots.

Another Swallow-tailed Kite soon joined in and they swooped along in the poor light in the mid-morning.

It has been a while since I have had a Swallow-tailed Kite this close and was thrilled to get some photos during a brief break from work.

This pair must be nesting nearby. Wonder where? Great to have them close by. Unfortunately, I have no windows to see what is happening outside so it was nice to have an alert to go see them.

I had to talk Emily down. Circle of Life, and all. Birds gotta eat. At least she got to be happy for a bit. Maybe I should sneak a desktop onto her computer? Nah. That would bring too many bad vibes.