Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hooded Mergansers Back in Maitland

Once November arrives I make a point to drive by my old workplace after our bird banding sessions searching for Hooded Mergansers that Winter in the small retention ponds in the area. Today they made it. There were several in the pond as I drove into the parking lot but most were underwater by the time I got in a position for some shots.

One male was on the surface and it did something unusual. Typically, when the Mergansers spot someone they either dive or quickly swim undercover of the parking structure nearby. This bird just looked at me and began taking sips of water.

Hooded Merganser

I was not complaining. It let me get some great views directly from the van. I always think of male Hooded Mergansers as having true black and white markings but this shot shows that the duck's black is not true black. Notice how it stands out against the deep shadows.

Hooded Merganser

This bird began swimming slowly along the waterway and made a couple of bill clicking gestures.

Hooded Merganser

Soon, it didn't have to try swimming at all. Gusts of wind sped through the parking area and began to move the Hooded Merganser along.

Hooded Merganser

When a strong gust came up it totally ruined that lovely crest. For a moment.

Hooded Merganser

Glad to have the Hoodies back in the area. I look forward to our Sunday meetings until Spring!

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