Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Even More Babies!

I knew we had male baby Cardinals around. Today, Daddy brought down a female baby to the feeder.

Northern Cardinal

Meanwhile, Momma stopped by to check out the situation.

Northern Cardinal

Returning to the scene was our baby Titmouse. Hungry, hungry. As usual, Titmice swing in really fast and grab a seed before heading up into the branches to eat.

Tufted Titmouse

Some people seem to have problems distinguishing between young Cardinal sexes but this shows them well. Here is our young female which is much more drab and uniformly colored overall.

Northern Cardinal

While the young males quickly begin showing their brighter red feathers fairly soon after leaving the nest. Both sexes have dark bills until they reach adulthood when the bills become very bright orange and sometimes bright red.

Northern Cardinal

A virtual nursery out back lately!


warriormom said...

Last year was the first year I finally spotted babies coming to the feeder. I think it was their sounds that alerted me. The titmice are way to quick for me to spot though. Great cardinal baby pictures.

yohabloespanglish said...

Ooh, I hope you get more photos of the titmouse! I love those birds...

yohabloespanglish said...

Ooh, I hope you'll get more tufted titmouse photos! I love those birds...