On the way, we swung by Viera Wetlands to see what we could see. The Masked Ducks had moved on. There didn't seen to be a lot of special stuff there but some had seen a Cinnamon Teal and I hoped to add that one to the list. No luck on that, either.
Many other ducks were there, however, including Blue-winged Teals and Green-winged Teals.
An early swing around the Click ponds included a couple of foraging Bonaparte's Gulls which is always nice to see.
Taking our time rounding all of the cells at the wetlands, we found hundreds of Coots and Teal. I could barely make out the Green-winged Teals as they were sticking to the reeds. Suddenly, a Northern Harrier circled in and flushed everything out of one corner and into the open. At least I could see the Teal a little better now even though they were still pretty far away.
My favorite shot of the trip was this drake Northern Shoveler gettin' all Kung-fu on us.
Always something interesting out at Viera.
1 comment:
Great shot of the kung fu artist!
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