Saturday, December 05, 2015

Greenwood Bald Eagles

I did a morning bird check and ended up in the Greenwood Cemetery looking for the Bald Eagles. they have not been at the nest too much this season but today got both of them! When I first pulled up the female was on the nest alone.

Bald Eagle

Then I heard the male calling in the distance and he quickly soared in and landed next to her, still calling.

Bald Eagle

He was calling loudly the entire time lokking in all directions while the female just sat and listened. Maybe they were both seeing something I couldn't.

Bald Eagle

The male finally ceased his calls and they both scanned the surroundings for a while.

Bald Eagle

Without warning, the male launched back into the air and flew off, probably is search of a meal.

Bald Eagle

Still no sign of nesting yet but they did start pretty late last year. Maybe they are going to have another late clutch this year. I will update when it happens.

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