Monday, April 25, 2011

Chimney Swifts Coming Home To Roost

Tonight was a very enjoyable evening as we attended the oldest's Jazz Band concert outside at the school. Everyone played excellently for two sets.

Almost immediately after we sat down, Chimney Swifts began circling above us under cloudy skies. Sometimes really low over our heads. I remembered seeing swifts leaving the old chimney in the mornings years ago so they must still be using it.

Chimney Swift

Night was quickly falling a the band took 5. I headed over toward the chimney to see if they were ready to go into it yet. The number of birds had grown to at least 100 birds and they circled closer to the structure. Think getting a shot of a swift in the daytime is difficult? Try it near dark!

Chimney Swift

Sometimes it would be 1 bird and other times it was 2-3 but they all began swooping into the chimney little by little.

Chimney Swift

I have never had a good view of Chimney Swifts heading to the roost. It was awesome to see it so close and from start to finish, all the while hearing the loud chipping go from so loud and slowing fading into silence.

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