Thursday, March 18, 2010

Molting Indigo Bunting

During a recent severe storm I noticed a very wet bird at the kitchen feeder. After several inquiries to friends, none of us could tell what the bird was even with photos. We could tell the bird was injured so I decided I would try to capture the bird to determine the species ID.

The next day I saw the injured bird and set a net up in the yard (I band birds at a local spot so I have the equipment and license) and after only an hour I did catch the bird in question. Turned out the be an American Goldfinch in pretty bad shape but it was flying fine so I released it.

At the same time, I also managed to capture our Indigo Bunting just 2 feet down in the net!

Indigo Bunting

As you can see, he is undergoing big-time molting right now into his bright blue, Spring plumage. I released him back into the bushes and can't wait to watch him as he changes before heading back North. Stay tuned!

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