Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Another bird I have failed to find in Florida in Winter is the Bufflehead. I have been able to help others find them but when it was my turn to go out when I had time, they had already moved on.

Finding them in the Pacific Northwest is a piece of cake! However, the weather was either really bad when I found them or the birds were very far out for any interesting shots. I got a few OK shots, anyway.

The closest we actually got was while exploring Alki Beach. The photos don't show too great a detail in the gloom but the pattern is unmistakable. Especially the males.


The females are a little more indistinct but that white cheek spot is another give away.


Or, you can always get to know the look of the females by finding her teamed up with a male. This pair spent a lot of time diving for food and riding the churned up Puget Sound as we tried to stay warm in the stiff wind.


After a few shots were in the camera it was time for a hot chocolate across the street from the beach. I look forward to finding them on a much warmer, sunny day here in Florida.

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