As I reached the bend in the creek I was greeted by a large Great Blue Heron trying to nap.
Over at the pond I searched for warblers but all I could see was a Red-eyed Vireo. At least it was a passible photo for once. They fly so quickly behind leaves while feeding.
High above us, another Great Blue Heron peered out across the landscape.
I searched for the Acadian Flycatcher I saw on my last visit but instead there was only a Common Yellowthroat at the cypress trees.
Nothing else in this side of the park held my interest so I started back toward the car. When I reached the cement bridge a Wood Stork and I surprised one another. I took a photo. It sulked away into the trees.
Down along the creek, a bale of Turtles rested on a log.
I heard some loud chips up in a palm tree and after a bit of circling found a Yellow-throated Warbler racing from frond to frond in search of a meal.
A small feeding flock rushed to the nearby trees and snapped away at insects. You can hardly miss the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers as they flit about.
Tufted Titmice are usually heard first and then are rather brave about feeding close to people walking by.
A Downy Woodpecker was not grabbing bugs but caching nuts for the Winter.
I was exiting the property when I heard a lot of birds mobbing...something. Moving back inside the fence I found one of our Barred Owls just hanging around under the shade.
Numerous Yellow Warblers were yelling at the owl but hard to get in the best light.
I headed home but swung through the cemetery just for a check. Look who I found. Our Bald Eagles are returning to the nest.
A fun walk but not too many interesting things. Started and ended on high notes so I guess I can't complain.