Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hunting Bunting

Found a bird on the side feeder. For sure to be a Bunting. Now I need to get a better shot than I was able to through the screen near dark. So I moved the Birdcam from the tray feeder to the kitchen-side feeders. However, I had to process shots from the last tray feeder captures.

For some reason the Blue Jays have been really quiet lately. But this shots proves that they are still taking advantage of the feeders.

Blue Jay

Next, a Mourning Dove take in a few rays as it feeds.

Mourning Dove

Titmice arrive in waves and then vanish.

Tufted Titmouse

A quizzical Momma Cardinal stares at the cam before digging in.

Northern Cardinal

Oh, look! Our newly banded wren stops by for a bite.

Carolina Wren

My youngest had friends over for the day and they decided to play guns. I never would have expected this 'shot' though.


Now I wait to see if the new bird comes back by.

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