By the time I got to the banding table, the place was humming with activity. Titmice, Prairie Warblers, Gnatcatchers, woodpeckers, and some bird flycatching in the midstory of the trees.
I was thinking it was our Great-crested at first but then it began to look different. Then I thought it was maybe an Acadian. Later study of photos and confirmation from Bruce Andreson revealed it to be an early Eastern Wood Pewee!
I had forgot to bring the binoculars so I could not ID some of the other members of the big flock. Other than the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds high up in the oaks.
Further down the trail I heard a sound I did not recognize at all. I spent a few minutes pinning it down to one section of branches. To my surprise it turned out to be a Carolina Chickadee!
I was just recalling, not long ago, that we don't see them here as compared to Wekiva. Note to self: keep making these statements to prove me wrong!
Loads of birds were also in the area. Carolina Wrens, Cardinals, Parula, and my first Ovenbird of the season.
Can't wait to see if all of these birds stick around until Sunday.
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