Sunday, January 17, 2010

Evil Gnatcatcher

I was working away at the computer and heard a familiar sound outside. Now that it is warming up, I can open the kitchen window again and get a bit more ambiance from outside. So when I heard a Blue-grey Gnatcatcher call really loudly I knew it was right by that window.

Once I looked outside I could see two Blue-grey Gnatcatchers flying around snapping at emerging insects in the morning sun. I could actually hear their bills clicking together as they grabbed bugs from the air.

I ran out to try for a photo but knew it would be difficult as they were moving so quickly. I activated the flash and pointed where I thought they might end up at some point and managed one shot. One danged ghostly, evil looking gnatcatcher!

Blue-grey Gnatcatcher

Several seconds later, this bird actually moved right next to me as if to see what I was doing. It landed on a branch literally 2 feet from my right elbow before moving off into the trees. In my experiences, gnatcatchers are very unconcerned about humans when they are feeding, they are that focused and probably do not see us a real threat.

An exciting quick moment in the yard.

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