Snake? Hawk? Who knows. I never found the subject of ire. I did find a Titmouse in the Mulberry tree, though.
Their calls of distress also brought along several other species such as Yellow-rumped Warblers, Carolina Wrens, Gnatcatchers, and a large group of Palm Warblers. Once the threat seemed to have vanished, the warblers stuck around to feed in the remaining Beauty Berries.
I enjoy having a few minutes to spend with the Palm Warblers. Very common this time of year but always fun to observe.
Now I wait for more Goldfinches to arrive and to get more shots of them with the BirdCam.
What lovely photos.
Thanks, Kaylie!
Now I have to get updated with more!
Have just come across your blog - photos are gorgeous!
Love the Titmouse, I've been trying to think of what our equivalent bird would be but can't think of one!
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