A train of Muscovy ducks were hiking toward the marsh in the center of the parking areas and Eastern Phoebes and several Western Palm Warbler were snatching insects. This Palm hopped right over to me.
There is a retention pond between the parking areas and the lake just off to the side of the soccer fields. They have planted some native plants in here to make it look nice and it attracts some nice birds from time to time. There were Phoebes, a Belted Kingfisher, and a Great Blue Heron keeping an eye on me as I made my way around toward the lake.
I could hear Yellow-rumped Warblers all along the tree lines but they were not making themselves seen for more than a second. I circled back around the opposite side of the canal and posted up for a few minutes. Eventually, a single bird pause just in front of me for a few seconds.
The Western Palm Warblers were much more conspicuous as they flitted out into the open, fed in the grasses, and perched on shrubby branches just about everywhere.
One more close-up. How can I resist?
On the way out I spotted a White-winged Dove trying to hide in the shadows. Did not expect that here. I took a look high overhead and spotted a Bald Eagle soaring over the lake.
I headed back to the car and had a single Muscovy Duck just coming back out of the marsh. Usually they are mostly black. I can't recall a silver one. Much less with a Mohawk!
I did not have as many species as I had hoped for but it was a nice walk. Where are all the birds this season? Seems thin.
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