Sunday, October 21, 2007

Phoebes and Pine Warblers

Some new captures for the Fall season today along with the expected lot. Ruby-crowned Kinglets continue to flow in but we are still waiting for the cooler temperatures. Today was VERY humid.

We actually were able to end the day by observing many butterflies and other insects.

I have been trying to nail down a sighting of a Bay-breasted Warbler this season as they have been reported all over the state this year. Just not having much luck. Most are out near the coasts and some nearby but I just can't get out to see them.

Work, work, work. Scouts, Scouts, Scouts.

When we first opened one particular bag, I thought I might be close to the Bay-breasted I was looking for but it ended up being a the first in a series of Pine Warblers. First of the season for us even though they live in and around the park. Here is the first, a youngster.

Pine warbler

If I would have had information that this bird and 2 others were captured together in the same net, I wouldn't have been so hopeful as they turned out to be a family. Jr. just happened to be first out. Luck of the draw. Here is Momma:

Pine warbler

...and Poppa...

Pine warbler

Still, a nice round of netting.

Just as we were getting ready to leave for the day, 2 more bags were brought in. Both contained our first Eastern Phoebes. They have been heard in the park for a couple of weeks but these were the first we were able to band.

Eastern Phoebe

On the way out, we enjoyed the butterflies including a Queen...

Queen Butterfly

...a Tiger Swallowtail...

Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly

...and even a Lynx Spider I found before heading home.

Green Lynx Spider

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