I scanned the towering trees in the pre-dawn gloom and failed to find the singer. One moment the song would be off to the side of the house and the next it would seem to be quite close. Every silence-shattering song would send me searching in a slightly different direction. Even when it seemed the song was coming from a nearby, leafless tree I failed to find the bird.
I made a mental note to remember the song and track down a CD of western bird calls A.S.A.P.!
The following morning brought the same situation. Dark, cold, misty morning with those wondrous songs all over and a lone guy in his PJs and leather jacket searching the trees with binoculars. The Spotted Towhees, Varied Thrushes, and Hairy Woodpeckers (all Life birds) were nice, but I needed to find this crooner.
Just as we were wrapping up breakfast I stepped out back to inspect the scene. At the bottom of the stairs was a small brown bird searching around a small wood pile. Knew by the size and actions that it was some sort of Wren. I ran back in to get the camera hoping it would be something new for me.
Got a couple quick shots in the gloomy morning rain. Better yet, it sang! I had finally found my new alarm clock. The Winter Wren.
Soon, I was seeing them all over the place. Mainly in the underbrush and skipping from low branches to leafy piles. Every now and then they would pause and emit their song then continue foraging.
To here this song for yourself and read a little more about Winter Wrens, click here.
Now, off to search for an actual alarm clock that I might be able to arm with that song...
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