Saturday, March 19, 2016

Bronzed Cowbird at Newton Park

Twitch alert! There was Bronzed Cowbird reported over by Lake Apopka at a place called Newton Park. Never heard of the spot but needed that species for my Life List. I headed over and wandered around Nice little park right on the waterfront but a storm was on its way from the far side of the lake.

I saw some blackbirds around the information sign and headed that way. They were feeding on the ground and suddenly one of them started making a call I had never heard before. Found them! However, as I got the camera up for a shot something flushed them all toward the mobile homes to the North. Dang. After a few minutes of waiting a single female returned and landed in a tree above my head.

Bronzed Cowbird

Tried of waiting for them to return, I decided to take a walk around. I circled around toward the direction the birds flew and looked back at the pier and made a mental note as to how far off the rain was.


A Palm Warbler was still hanging around. Molting into Spring colors nicely.

Palm Warbler

A baby American Alligator swam by. I was surprised I did not see any larger ones as this lake is full of big gators.

American Alligator

The Cowbirds were still out of view so I went back to the pier and decided to walk out to the end.


Tree Swallows were flying by in larger numbers but they were banking so quickly that it was hard to even get one in frame.

Tree Swallow

A lone Bonaparte's Gull rested on a barrel not far from shore. I noticed another bird beginning to wander the park and could tell he was going to head out to me. He introduced himself as Leo and we went back to shore to search for the Cowbirds again.

Bonaparte's Gull

As we approached the mobile home area a few grackles and Red-winged blackbirds flew in to a lawn. I also noticed a couple of smaller birds with them. The Bronzed Cowbirds were back and feeding on the grasses. One pair actually let us get quite close for some shots.

Bronzed Cowbird

Male Bronzed Cowbirds are interesting. When they make their calls they raise the feathers around their head and neck forming a hood.

Bronzed Cowbird

I could never get the full display in my shots. Always clicked a bit too slowly.

Bronzed Cowbird

This was the best I got. Love that sound they make when calling. Leo and I parted ways as the rain was even closer. At least we both got our Life Bird for the day.

Bronzed Cowbird

The Tree Swallow flock increased to hundreds and they began flying through the reeds and cattails feeding on midges. They were flying even more swiftly now but I tried to get any in focus. There were so many and flying so fast that I could never pick a particular subject.

Tree Swallow

Eventually I just stopped trying for a single bird and just set a focal point and hoped I could get anything worth keeping.

Tree Swallow

Finally, a single bird in focus. But the rain was getting closer so I turned to leave.

Tree Swallow

Behind me, I heard a weird kind of croak. I reversed course and suddenly a Purple Gallinule climbed up right in front of me and then disappeared just as quickly.

Purple Gallinule

A perfect ending to a twitching day. I headed home in the rain and had a little smile on my face. I look forward to a day out there with better weather.

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