Instead, I had to settle for an illuminated Spiny Orb Weaver and its web.
Gaura is a Florida native but I don't see it too often. It was all over this little lot.
Eastern Towhees are always calling out on this property but I could never get in a good position, lighting-wise.
Once I turned around I did have perfect light for the Rusty Lyonia.
One pf my favorite flowers out in the scrub is the Tar Flower. I always make a point of trying to find the best bloom while I am searching for Jays.
My point shift was over so I walked up toward the next point. Out in the distance was a single Florida Scrub Jay feeding around the vegetation. I played the Scrub Jay tape quickly and the bird flew our way. Too bad it was the only one I would see today but the photos do prove it is an unbanded bird.
At the next count point I found some Lyonia sporting its small white blossoms.
Loblolly Bay flowers are hard to miss. Especially once you get nearer to thicker forest on property.
Out in the more open areas out here we know there are not any Jays here but there are other birds that come through like Great-Crested Flycatchers perching on any high snag. Sometimes we find Blue Birds and we had several Bachman's Sparrows flying by.
I was putting my clipboard down and prepared to play my Jay calls when I noticed this pink bloom in the middle of some rather barren ground. Not sure of the species yet. Most likely one of the Sabatia family species.
Off in the distance a pair of women on horseback were winding their way through the scrub. A couple of times they halted for a while but I couldn't tell why. By the time they passed me I said Hello and they said, "Wow, they aren't scared of you!" and they rode on. Turns out those pauses before was as they tried to go past the others in my party the horses spooked and would not go directly past the ladies. Go figure.
I was watching a Northern Mockingbird when suddenly a Brown Thrasher emerged from the scrub to pose for a bit.
Several of these large stalked plant came into view. I have know idea what they are but they always intrigue me.
A really close inspection revealed a small batch of purple blooms at the top.
A very large ant came scurrying past me as the morning wore down. It looks kind of like a velvet ant but...not.
My last count point was pretty quiet but there was a very small dragonfly that landed next to me.
As I headed up the trail I was finding much larger dragonflies swaying in the rising breeze.
Around the corner was a plant full of seed heads. Kinda pretty.
Swaying around with the dragonflies was a small patch of tall Yellow-eyed Grass. My last photo of the day.
We headed back in the truck to the parking lot and said our good-byes. Rain was moving in as I headed home. There are other spots I could have visited but this year I am too tired to stand in the heat any longer. I will be back out to count again next year, after all.