We got a couple Prairie Warblers and Ovenbirds early in the morning but when I check net 18 I was more convinced that the early migrators were now being joined by the regulars.
Laying in the bottom folds of the mist net was a darker green bird. As I bent down to check on the ID those words, "Migrating is officially on!" went flying through my brain. Here was an Acadian Flycatcher.
Not a bad bird for such a hot, humid day. Things would get better. First, though, were more of the more common birds. This Carolina Wren actually got itself netted after responding to my pishing.
Most of the Ovenbirds I have gotten in the nets were a result of me flushing them directly into them. I think I am working out a system which I will test more thoroughly next weekend.
Even though we did band a few Prairie Warblers, there were plenty more that refused to be talked down. I sure did try. All I got were curious looks before they would continue feeding high in the branches.
Bird of the day arrived near the end of the session. This was the first Hooded Warbler I had ever seen banded at Wekiva and the first I could actually get a photo of. Pretty female. Hope to add more yellow birds to the mix soon.
We also had a Black and White Warbler that morning but not the higher numbers of migrants as I had hoped. Tomorrow we ride out Tropical Storm Ernesto and get ready for the next banding day. Fingers are crossed for yellows, blues, or orange!